Lyss Welding is a higher education analyst and senior editor for BestColleges who specializes in translating massive data sets and finding statistics that matter to students. Lyss has worked in academic research, curriculum design, and program evaluation. They've presented on collecting and using data at the Data Science for Social Good and Illinois Continuous Quality Improvement conferences.
Lyss' work has been cited by NPR, Forbes, Investopedia, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
They hold a bachelor's degree in linguistics from the University of Chicago.
Media Mentions
- WGN Radio interviews Lyss Welding on colleges with the best return on investment.
- NTV News interviews Lyss Welding on the why behind the University of Nebraska system budget shortfall.
- NPR references Lyss Welding's research on the college enrollment decline.
- Forbes cites Lyss Welding's research on colleges students political beliefs and voting
- Investopedia cites Lyss Welding's research on student loan debt.
- Council on Foreign Relations cites Lyss Welding's research on student loan debt.