Your Guide to Nailing Interviews

Staff Writers
Updated on October 27, 2020
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This guide provides extensive information on interview types and common questions. You will also gain valuable insight into preparation and follow-up strategies.

Interviews are a crucial part of the hiring process, enabling employers to confirm the skills and attributes from a candidate’s resume and cover letter and discern whether the applicant fits the company’s culture. However, it’s important to remember that an interview is a two-way conversation where you reaffirm your interest in the position and determine whether the company can support your long-term career goals.

In a 2017 report, Glassdoor noted that recruiters value difficult interviews because they yield more skilled and passionate employees. Accordingly, employers create interview scenarios and processes that challenge applicants. But with proper research and preparation, you can effectively navigate different interview scenarios. Practice also contributes to success, which means you should go easy on yourself if the first couple of interviews do not go as planned.

Interview length and structure differ by employer. Some companies prefer one-on-one settings while others like to conduct group interviews. As you advance in your career and apply for high-ranking positions, you should expect multiple rounds of interviews. This guide provides extensive information on interview types and common questions. You will also gain valuable insight into preparation and follow-up strategies.

Types of Interviews

Common interview types include traditional meetings, phone conversations, and video conferences using platforms like Skype and Spark Hire. Employers pick formats that reflect their organizational values and enable them to test candidates for preferred skills and characteristics. Fortunately, companies usually disclose the interview format beforehand, allowing you to prepare and succeed.

Email Interviews

Email interviews are less common because they do not allow employers and candidates to engage in real-time conversation. Employers may use an email exchange as a preliminary interview before asking you to meet in person or via phone or video conference. You may receive an email interview request in reference to a remote position. Completing an email interview is similar to crafting a cover letter for a position. Be sure to expound on the qualifications on your resume while responding specifically to the potential employer’s questions.

Phone Interviews

A phone interview offers recruiters and HR staff a convenient way to narrow down the applicant pool before inviting candidates to in-person meetings. You should review the position and research the company beforehand to ensure you can succinctly relate your skills and experience to the requirements. Preparation also enables you to converse in ways that demonstrate a good fit with the company’s culture.

Video Interviews

Video conferencing software allows employers to conduct inexpensive remote interviews to get an accurate read of an applicant’s professional qualifications and personal characteristics. You may receive a request for a live interview or a recorded video. In either case, you should dress appropriately, maintain eye contact with the camera, and present yourself with enthusiasm. For camera-shy individuals, practice is key to controlling nervous energy. The interview space should have adequate lighting without visual or auditory background distractions. High-speed internet is a must for the best-quality video stream.

Project-Based Interviews

Project-based interviews generally occur in the later stages of the hiring process, when companies need to decide among the remaining applicants. Like the name states, a project-based interview comprises an assignment or task that shows your skills in action. Projects differ by industry, but companies usually want to assess your creativity, turnaround speed, communication/presentation style, and deliverable quality. Before you dive into the project, be sure you fully understand the instructions and ask clarifying questions as necessary. Your work should demonstrate the initiative to deliver beyond the bare minimum to complete the project.

In-Person Interviews user

As the most popular interview type, in-person meetings occur during the final stages of the hiring process. You should be prepared for any format including one-on-one, group (with multiple applicants), or panel (with multiple interviewers).

In addition to making sure you’re dressed appropriately and empowered with knowledge about the company and role, you must be ready to relay quantifiable career achievements and relevant anecdotes. During the conversation, demonstrate enthusiasm (without going overboard), acknowledge nonverbal cues, and engage the interviewer regarding their work as well as the position for which you are interviewing. While it is crucial to provide details about your career, you shouldn’t oversell accomplishments or speak negatively about previous employers.

Preparing for an Interview

Interviews can be wide-ranging and multifaceted. Accordingly, you should spend more time in preparation than initially seems necessary. Candidates who adequately research and practice their talking points demonstrate to employers that they possess a solid work ethic and a passion for the industry. Preparation also alleviates pre-interview anxiety, allowing you to appear calm and confident. If you arrive at an interview ill-prepared, you will perform poorly and leave a lasting negative impression. This section delves into the steps you must take to properly prepare for an interview.

Do Your Research

Prior to the day of the interview, spend time reviewing the organization’s website and social media accounts. Focus on the products, services, and qualities that the company emphasizes in differentiating itself from competitors. By understanding what the employer hopes to achieve, you can better relate your skill set and accomplishments to the company’s objectives. For each qualification and responsibility in the job listing, develop 3-5 demonstrable/quantifiable examples of how your prior challenges and successes match the position.

Dress Appropriately

Proper attire demonstrates preparedness and professionalism to recruiters and HR staff. You may be able to discern the best outfit for an interview by exploring the company’s website and social media profiles. You may also contact the human resource department and inquire about any dress code.

In general, corporate positions require business-formal attire that includes a suit jacket, slacks, and tie for men and a blazer and dress pants for women. In a business-casual environment, men can do without the jacket. Startups often have a more informal work setting, with employees wearing khakis or even dark-wash jeans.

Be On Time

Punctuality is a cornerstone of professionalism that demonstrates you take the position and the recruiter seriously. By arriving late, candidates show that they are careless and untrustworthy. You should strive to arrive 10-15 minutes before the scheduled meeting. Showing up earlier may catch HR staff off guard and lead them to believe you cannot follow instructions.

Prepare Questions to Ask

In addition to providing exceptional responses to a recruiter’s questions and prompts, you should prepare a list of your own questions. You may feel tempted to use questions to further elaborate on your qualifications, but it’s important that your inquiries engage the recruiter authentically. Effective questioning will also help you gain information on the job and whether the position suits your skills and goals. Check out the list of sample questions below.

  • What does a typical day/week in the position look like?
  • What is the biggest challenge the person in this position will face?
  • What do you expect the person in this position to achieve in the first six months and/or the first year?
  • How will the company evaluate the person in this position?
  • How would you describe the company culture? (Or what do you like about working here?)

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Practice answering common interview questions by rehearsing with a friend, family member, or mentor. Over multiple practice rounds, you can develop the most effective answers and soothe pre-interview nerves. Practicing in front of another person can also help you garner valuable feedback.

30 Common Interview Questions

Even within the same industry, employers operate under different hiring priorities. However, certain interview questions remain standard. This section covers six major question categories and provides strategies on how to effectively answer these inquiries. Through analyzing a company’s website, especially its press releases and annual reports, you may get a feel for other questions you might be asked during an interview.


Interviewers want to get to know applicants as people who possess both positive attributes and — of course — some flaws. Questions about character dig into what motivates you and how you relate to others.

Skills and Qualifications

Employers want to know that candidates possess the necessary skills and qualifications to perform their job exceptionally well. These questions will allow you to elaborate on the information in your resume and cover letter.

Work History

Knowledge and skills are meaningless if you cannot successfully apply them in relevant work settings. Questions about work history allow employers to see your qualifications in action.

Work and Management Style

When vetting potential managers and directors, interviewers want to know if a candidate’s leadership style aligns with best practices and fits into the company culture. These questions examine your ability to work with supervisors and colleagues.

Career Trajectory and Growth Potential

Employers want to confirm that the candidate, if hired, will stick around to help the company grow. These questions analyze your career goals for alignment with the employer’s long-term objectives.


These inquiries test a professional’s knowledge of industry standards, specifically the recommended pay scale for their level of skill and experience. This is one of the most difficult portions of a job interview. You need to answer any salary questions carefully.

Following Up After Your Interview

After every interview, you should follow up with the recruiter or HR staff to maintain a cordial relationship. Follow-up emails and letters will also allow you to clarify answers and mention important details you may have forgotten to mention in the interview. This section examines three purposes for follow-up correspondences and tips on how to navigate them.

Thank Your Interviewers

A handwritten thank-you note or email demonstrates your appreciation of the interviewer’s time and expresses continued enthusiasm for the position. Remember to collect their business card to enable sending a personalized message.

Tips for Writing a Post-Interview Thank-You Note

  • check-circle Send a thank-you note/email within 24 hours after the interview.
  • check-circle Personalize the message by referring to anecdotes and points the interviewer discussed during the conversation.
  • check-circle Reaffirm interest by expressing enthusiasm and reiterating relevant accomplishments.
  • check-circle Invite the recruiter to ask additional questions.
  • check-circle Do not over-communicate. Two or three paragraphs is enough.

Check In

If you don’t receive a response from the interviewer within two weeks, craft a concise check-in email. This message is a regular part of the hiring process that helps prove your diligence.

Tips for Following Up on a Job Application

  • check-circle Include the job title in the email subject line.
  • check-circle In one paragraph, affirm interest in the position and ask for an update.
  • check-circle Ask if the recruiter needs additional information.
  • check-circle If the interviewer mentioned a response timeline, do not send a check-in message until after that date.
  • check-circle Don’t jump to conclusions. A company’s hiring process typically includes different personnel and departments and may take a while.

Stay Connected

In the event you don’t secure the position, you can still develop valuable connections by maintaining contact with the interviewer/recruiter. If possible, you should also keep in touch with the hiring manager. This person occupies a leadership position and can provide high-level mentorship.

Tips for Staying in Touch with Employers

  • check-circle In the first paragraph, relay appreciation for the meeting and express the desire for continued correspondence.
  • check-circle Keep the message short, including personal details that the interviewer or hiring manager previously shared.
  • check-circle Conclude the message by establishing a time frame for a phone call or meeting over coffee.
  • check-circle Keep their attention by occasionally sending articles relevant to your shared professional interests.
  • check-circle Add them on LinkedIn and follow the company’s social media accounts.
Interview Dos and Don’ts
✔ Conduct research on the position, the company, and common interview questions.✘ Do not make excuses for or lie about work history.
✔ Give detailed answers that speak to professional achievements without boasting. ✘ Do not speak negatively of previous employers or take frustrations out on the interviewer.
✔ Sustain enthusiasm throughout the interview. Send follow-up messages to relay continued interest. ✘ When a question stumps you, do not give a misdirecting answer. Take the time to clarify and work through the question, giving the recruiter insight into critical thinking processes.


You can navigate any interview scenario by being prepared. Research the position, company, and industry thoroughly and connect organizational requirements and goals to your career experiences. On interview day, arrive 10-15 minutes before the meeting, ready to engage the interviewer enthusiastically. During the conversation, be ready to ask intelligent questions as well as provide thoughtful answers. After the interview, send thank-you messages to maintain the interviewer’s interest. Although employers design interviews to challenge professionals, they ultimately want you to succeed because a win for you (your dream job) equals a win for them (a qualified and passionate employee).

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