Promoting Diversity in STEM for Tomorrow’s Workforce

Despite the growth of STEM, women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ students are still underrepresented. Explore our resource hub to help prepare tomorrow’s diverse workforce.
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Image Credit: Marko Geber / Getty Images

Featured Articles

Learn more about the Blacks in Technology Foundation

Diversity Issues in STEM

A lack of visibility and resources keep marginalized identity groups underrepresented in STEM. Discover these guides to understand and support diversity in STEM.

Career Advice and Resources

As STEM fields continue to expand, there are a host of resources to support future diverse leaders. Find the support you need from our articles and guides below.

Learn more about the BestColleges Black Women in STEM scholarship.

Academic Advice and Degree Resources

Find academic resources and degree programs you will need to succeed in your STEM career.

Our Editorial Policy and Standards

Accuracy and editorial integrity are just a few of the values we at BestColleges pledge to uphold for the students who rely on us. We are committed to providing students with the educational resources they need to achieve their goals.

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